
Working Paper - Experimentation of marine ecosystems biophysical extent and (...)

New working paper from the Ecological Accounting Chair by researchers from (or associated with) the Chair and/or who have contributed to the national project, part of the European MAIA programme, to develop marine ecosystem accounts for France. (...)

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The annual conference of the Ecological Accounting Chair will be held on 28 (...)

The traditional annual conference of the Ecological Accounting Chair will be held on 28 November, all day, at the Collège de France in Paris. To take part in this event, click here 👉 REGISTRATION
The traditional annual conference of the (...)

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Consultation response from the Ecological Accounting Chair – Delegated Act on (...)

Author : Nicolas Zoubritszki, pour la Chaire Comptabilité écologique
Avec la contribution de : Clément Boyer, Clément Morlat, Aurélien Oosterlinck, Alexandre Rambaud
Résumé : La directive CSRD soumet le reporting socio-environnemental des grandes (...)

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Critical analysis of the Doughnut theory from a organization greening and (...)

Authors: Victor Counillon, Clément Morlat, for the Ecological Accounting Chair
Summary: An increasing number of players are calling themselves "doughnut theorists" (Raworth, 2017). It seems necessary to question the relevance of this theory and (...)

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Comment letter from 2° Investing Initiative & the Ecological Accounting Chair (...)

Authors : Soline Ralite, pour la Chaire Comptabilité écologique & 2° investing Initiative
Summary : In June 2022, The Ecological Accounting Chair (Chaire Comptabilité Écologique) and the 2° Investing Initiative have joined forces to submit a (...)

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Morgane Gonon, laureate of the Veblen 2022 prize, for the Ecological Accounting (...)

Morgane Gonon is rewarded for her thesis A public debt as a basis for policies to preserve life - Defining a national accounting framework for strong sustainability adapted to the fight against the artificialisation of natural spaces produced (...)

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Annual conference of the Ecological Accounting Chair

The 2021 conference of the Ecological Accounting Chair (EAC), supported by the Agroparistech Foundation, will be held on 15 June, from 9:30 am to 5 pm, in the presence of the Chair’s teams and partners. It will be held in the Coléou room, at (...)

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Alexandre Rambaud appointed academic fellow at the Louis Bachelier (...)

Alexandre Rambaud, co-director and co-founder of the Ecological Accounting Chair, has been appointed Louis Bachelier Academic Fellow at the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) for a period of 4 years. Studies, discussions and debates on ecological (...)

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50 CSR actors to follow according to the "Cercle de Giverny"

The "Cercle de Giverny" proposes its list of about fifty "inspiring and committed" personalities to follow absolutely. Several members and partners of the Chair are on the list, including Alexandre Rambaud, co-founder and co-director, Hélène (...)

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Webinar: Integrating corporate non-financial information with the Integrated (...)

ORÉE is organising in partnership with the Conseil supérieur de l’ordre des experts-comptables & WWF a webinar on IPR on 21/01 from 14:00 to 17:30 by videoconference. Alexandre Rambaud, co-responsible for the Chair, will take part in an initial (...)

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Internship offer 2021 (6 months) - Construction of the micro-macro link in (...)

The articulation between the three levels of accounting is a major issue. Like French economic accounting (national and financial), micro-macro links can be established between proposals for environmental accounting systems. Three possible links (...)

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An accounting revolution to account for a new contract with nature

An accounting revolution to account for a new contract with nature?
This is what Alexandre Rambaud, Harold Levrel and Clément Feger, scientific co-heads of the Ecological Accounting Partnership Chair, propose in an article in the newspaper Le (...)

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The Ecological Accounting Chair at the National Conference on Biodiversity (...)

On 7, 8 and 9 October, the 10th edition of the Assises Nationales de la Biodiversité was held. Several members of the Ecological Accounting Chair spoke at this event and led a workshop on the roles of the "accounting" tool in responding to (...)

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Proposal for an integrated performance statement

A collective of professional associations, companies, institutions and NGOs including the Ecological Accounting Chair, Compta Durable, ORÉE, WWF-France, and Carrefour is calling for changes to the Integrated Performance Statement (IPS) in order (...)

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From an economy of biodiversity to an economy of biodiversity conservation

Opinion report coordinated by Harold Levrel, with the contribution and proofreading of members of the Scientific Council (SC) of the Fondation de la Recherche pour la Biodiversité (FRB). This report argues in favour of a strong recognition of the (...)

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Transforming our accounting systems to reorganize with what really (...)

"What do pangolins, Asian ecosystems, caregivers, cashiers, delivery people, etc. have in common? They are myriads of beings and entities that our economic and management systems have sidelined, and that the current crisis is bringing to the (...)

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Master Class "Multi Capital" Accounting at the ProDurable 2020 exhibition

How do we make public and private accounting evolve to take into account human and natural capital?
The Ecological Accounting Chair and Compta Durable are joining the ProDurable trade fair to try to shed some light on the issue. The CARE (...)

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New report: "Improving Nature’s Visibility in Financial Accounting"

The Natural Capital Coalition’s report "Improving Nature’s Visibility in Financial Accounting" has just been published.
It proposes 4 models for rethinking the way our accounting systems work to incorporate environmental issues. CARE, in (...)

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Call for Finance for Social and Environmental Progress

The Ecological Accounting Chair, co-signatory of the Call for Social and Environmental Finance.
Launched by the collective "la Fabrique d’avenir" and published in La Tribune on Tuesday, January 21, the Appeal aims to condemn the excesses of the (...)

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Inauguration of the "Ecological Accounting" Partnership Chair

Created in January 2019, the "Ecological Accounting" Partnership Chair will be officially launched at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 3 September. The conference will be broadcast live from several platforms and retransmitted on the Chair’s (...)

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