Master Class "Multi Capital" Accounting at the ProDurable 2020 exhibition
Wednesday 10 June 2020

How do we make public and private accounting evolve to take into account human and natural capital?
The Ecological Accounting Chair and Compta Durable are joining the ProDurable trade fair to try to shed some light on the issue. The CARE (Comprehensive Accounting In Respect of Ecology) model proposes to put the three groups of capital (financial, natural and human) on the liabilities side of the balance sheet of organizations, in order to ensure the long-term preservation of each of them, regardless of their use values. The links with accounting at the scale of an ecosystem as well as at the scale of national accounting will also be discussed. A second time will be devoted to the presentation of experiments carried out in the field, and then the political, legal and economic issues will finally be discussed and debated in two round tables in the presence of business leaders, lawyers, researchers and experts in economics and management sciences, in particular.
Practical information
Date and Place: 7 September 2020, from 14. 00 to 18. 00, Palais des Congrès de Paris
Price: 450 euros HT
This rate includes: The master class of April 7th, the deliverables, the coffee breaks, a VIP step at the PRODURABLE exhibition on April 7th and 8th, a three months subscription offered to the specialized information service Sustainable Development of the group AEF Info.
Full program, list of speakers, and registration link available here: